Thursday, 19 December 2013

Another new feature on Flickr, image embedding.

The latest feature on Flickr gives users (or anyone else) the ability to embed pictures directly into websites. It adds the title and their own Flickr logo to the image, BUT it seems to make it easier for people to steal the images and use them elsewhere, although if they are a business there is a chance that they will get caught out by a copyright violation claim.

Is this a good or a bad thing?

It seems they are going the same direction as Panoramio did when Google got their hands on them, and as someone who used Panoramio and was quite pleased to see my images on Google Earth reach over 4,000,000 views, I soon changed my tune when I was finding them all over the web on travel sites etc.
My option then was to delete my account at Panoramio, so, will the same happen with Flickr?