Sunday 31 August 2008

Woot, eh!

Well not quite a 'Woot' yet, but we are hoping to be in Canada late November 2008 if all goes well.

My hubby Mick has been offered (and accepted) a job with a Canadian trucking company as an OTR driver, and I will be traveling with him as his unpaid office girl, and coffee carrier.

I will be making a few blog posts before we go, and then, a daily diary if we have internet access on our journeys.

Please feel free to leave any questions or suggestions in the comments.

1 comment:

Mick Flynn Images said...

Hello Canuck,
Thanks for the welcome and the links. Our intention is to travel together in the truck short term,with a view to settling in Lethbridge AB. Hopefully we do have the right mind-set, and we are not expecting it to be a walk in the park.