Hubby has got the design of the blog how I like it, so now It is up to me to post more regular. The problem is, the whole idea of going to Canada is to have a more interesting life, so until then my daily life is the same as many other people in the UK, get up go to work, come home and chill out, still, I suppose I should make the best of my relaxed life, because I know when we start working in Canada it will be long days/nights, and hubby will be working harder than he does in the UK.
The general reaction (to our move) from our friend and family has been mostly positive but there has been the occasional bit of negativity from those who would never move outside their own comfort zone, and think we are crazy.
Anyone else reading this blog who is contemplating going to work for a Canadian long haul trucking company will find the links on my sidebar of great interest, as they are mostly by Brits who are already ’walking the walk’ whereas we have only just left the ’talking the talk’ stage.
We would once again like to thank all the other trucking bloggers who have been an invaluable help, even though we do not always get the chance to comment on their own posts.
Whether you are married or single and are contemplating a move to Canada they are all worth a read, and if you are a truck driver, this is a good site to start you off…
British Truckers Abroad
Ta Ta for now.
P.S: It'll be a shame to leave our vibrant city ...
Hi Cath
You will love it here Lethbridge is a very big place I could not believe how clean and how big this place is the local people are very nice and friendly.
Hi Mike
Looking forward to visiting a clean city, which, unlike Bradford, is not littered with discarded beer cans/bottles and other crap all over the place.
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