Wolf , Kelvin, Javi and Inga are now rolling, good luck guys, I am sure we will meet up again somewhere on our travels.
In the meantime me and Mick have been out and about getting some exercise in Lethbridge, including a walk down to Fort Whoop-Up.
These pictures were taken in the valley behind the hotel, where both the High Bridge, the Oldman River and the Fort are to be found.
Click pictures to enlarge.
These two pictures below were taken towards the East of Lethbridge, and yes, there is a car under the bottom picture.
Today is the first time in the weeks that we have been here that the temperature has risen enough to start melting the snow, and we went for another walk in the valley in a balmy six degrees.
Watching a train going over the High Bridge today, I saw it reach the other end (one mile and forty seven feet long) , and then kept my eye on the last wagon which was on the bridge, and that one nearly reached the other end before we saw the end of the train, so we reckon it was almost two miles in length!
I will post some pictures of the Fort tomorrow.
Nice on Cath,
Sure looks nice there, so clean. I can't believe people leave their cars in conditions like that, it can't do them much good, unless they are plugged in of course.
It's raining here at the moment with strong winds. It's supposed to be like this all week and then we are supposed to be hit by a big freeze with "lots of snow". I will believe it when I see it.
Hope you guys are doing OK.
Hi Andy,Mick just got word he is going tonight to BC (fingers crossed). One thing about here is it might be very cold but nearly always lovely and sunny.
Bye For Now
Now then the pic of the Red Sledge, I know things are hard for H&R but they could give Mick a better mode of transport ( where's the sleeper Cab ) LOL.
Hi Tony, the sleepers on the back, it's just bales of hay!
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